My Tony is Here at last!!!!

I got home from Monsterpalooza tonight and this beauty from Jamie (New Blood Studios) was waiting for me at my door and I could NOT be more happy. This is the Tony I have been looking for. The pics just don’t do it justice. I really wish I had a better camera…hopefully soon. :smiley:

Congrats, that is an awesome copy. Man at the rate your going, your gonna have more masks than anyone on this site. :mrgreen: :sunglasses:

What a great mask you have there bro congrats:)

Thanks guys so much and scarface…I’m done for a while…that is it. :smiley:
I appreciate the nice words. :mrgreen:

congrats nick , i know you have been wanting a tony for a looong time. :smiley:

Im glad you like it bro. It was VERY hard to let go of lol. I think your pics look fine. It might just be the lighting in the room that washes away the weathering ?

Awesome score!!

Fantastic man. Beautiful mask.

One of the better copies I’ve seen :sunglasses:

Thanks bro. I have been wanting a Tony for a long time and I LOVE this copy. Jamie is right. The lighting in the room is washing out the killer weathering of the mask. I’ll have to try some different pic options.

To the rest of all of you…your the best! Thanks for making my night with your nice words and Monsterpalooza pics will be coming tomorrow. I took 126 pics :laughing:

Ya the Tony is a really cool mask. I just keep looking at the one I got. With his mouth closed, he looks very very classic myers. Im after a BUTCHER now, heh

Jamie…I promise you that this guy has a very, very good home, where he’s going to stay :smiley:

thats a very nice one you have ther…i cant get over your liveing room lol

Thank you and as far as the living room goes…neither can the girls I bring home :laughing: Most times the look on their faces is :open_mouth:

awsome score and cool collection you have thier… Dean

big congrats, that is a really nice copy! i have a deal with someone for one of these, paying tomorrow :drinkers: it is my 3rd fave myers mask! :smiley: congrats! :rock:

that’s a sick copy nice score


Sweet mask !

dude your collection is growing pretty nice!!