After 4 months, a mask from the second batch is finally here. I think I got a somewhat crappy paint job but the surface doesn’t feel a lot like sandpaper and I’m loving the mold (it is the screen used mold after all). The thing that’s really bothering me atm is the hair and the slit in the mouth. The hair is very funky in the back and they put product in there that’s really strong on the hair. The mask is very small, smaller than I expected and is a snug fit (the neck still pops out but that’s easily solved) I saw other people’s masks before hand and had very low expectations. I’m definitely going to get it rehauled by someone but need money for it and will have it like this atm. Does anybody know how to fix the hair btw? (I don’t mean rehairing but just styling it the way I want)
I kind of do too, they don’t want most of the money going to JC or Fred Loper or anyone else nice enough to make them look way better so they make it even harder for them to repaint until they can’t do the crappy ones anymore. m.n.creations.x has stopped rehauling masks that feel like sandpaper.
Do you want to scare someone really bad?
Get the Officer Francis Prop, take out everything but the head, go to your good friend’s house, leave it on the porch and hide, and videotape him opening the box.
I don’t think TOTS is intentionally making masks harder to rehaul, they just vary greatly copy to copy. My preorder copy had the hair glued to the neck which was strange and the hair didn’t look half as good as yours! Awesome that it fits so well and with so many people doing solid overhauls, you could definitely get it looking movie accurate for a solid deal. Definitely doesn’t look bad man, and as you said; it’s from the movie mold!
Interesting you say that, the bottom hair is also glued on the neck. Hopefully when it’s rehaired, that problem can be fixed. Thanks for the compliments
Honestly Idk if it’s the lighting but the paint job doesn’t look bad. Seen some that are so grudged with black smears and too much green looks like someone smeared it on a freshly paved road. But in that lightning at least it looks decent I hope mine that’s coming in next Tuesday looks that good. I’m rehauling my own as I been doing some diffrent masks as well, but if I get an okay copy I may hold of a rehaul till after I check out the spirt stores this fall as I do want to get a copy and keep as is for the collection as well.
If you rip the bottom strip of hair off the back it will look a lot better. I just did that to one I rehauled. They go down way too far with the hair in back. Looks like a mullet.
Takes a little bit of muscle but it’s not too hard. Just make sure you separate the bottom strip from the next one above it so your not pulling on hair from that one.
How did I do? Also I’m not sure if I should rip off the center bottom hair as well and I’m having trouble ripping off the hair that’s glued on the neck.
I had to cut mine bc it was glued so well. Definitely not easy like the Kirk or Tramer that’s for sure. But yeah, if ya can it would look much better without it there in my opinion
Looking better but I would still rip off that stubborn center piece. The latex isn’t going to rip so dont worry. That was the hardest part for me too. Keep working it. Dont pull straight out. Pull it at like a 45 degree angle, and to the side, not up towards the top of the mask
Also… dont hold it in your hands while ripping it. Put it on a table with the latex flat and put your palm flat on the latex with your arm straight out rigid to get leverage, and then pull with your strong arm with with your fingers as close to the base of the hair as you can.
Yeah man for the hair on the back of the neck, although frustrating, it is quite easy to adjust/remove it. The glue isn’t that strong and you can separate it with your hands and simply pull/cut off however much you wish. The product applied to the overall hair is also not as strong as you may think so a bit of water will make styling a breeze
I’m really liking how this looks so far, now I guess I just need to style it. I was very nervous doing this but I thought to myself “at least if I mess up, I can get it rehaired”
I also added a pic of the hair I ripped out just cuz. Also I had to use scissors for one strand and I cut it up a bit more to make it look more natural.