My upcoming mask

Hello guys, here is an update on the H4 mask, this mask was hard to model, at least for me, it looks simple, yet small changes can make it look different, it keeps a very subtle kirk look, but most features of the kirk are gone, let me know if you catch something missing or that need to be fixed, I did try to use just the hero shots as reference for it.

Hello, here are some images

of the eye insert that will come with all my mask.


Hello guys, I remade the H4 3d model, the past version needs some improvement, I did start the new version from my H1 model, and from that, I tweaked the general shape to match the reference images from the screen used, then proceeded to adjust the lips, the eyes, and the cheeks to more accurate shape, It has been a back and forth process, but it’s getting there. Please let me know if you have any images that could help me, i did use the photos on the Gallery on the main page, and I did take lots of screenshots from the movie.

Hello guys, this are another models, I am working on, that I will produce as resin as a bust. I need to smooth some details on The Shape, and the depth of the wrinkles, and adjust some shapes, the Loomis is pretty much done. Thanks for letting me know your thoughts.


Any updates on how The Shape is coming along? Hope all is well.

awesome work!its good to see members doing new projects and concepts for the community to enjoy.very cool.