This is something I’ve been playing with for almost 3 years… I’ve written a few things out for fun, including 6 outlines, 4 treatments and a VERY rough script. All of which I have protected obviously
I’ve taken my knowledge of myers (first movie I can remember seeing at the age of 6 was Halloween 4). And adapted it to this.
Its not so much a slasher as it is a psychological horror/thriller. Even placing michael back into Smiths Grove in his pursuit.
It follows his pursuit of John, Laurie’s son and shows Johns dealing with the subject of being back in Haddonfield and his mothers death. Its something that could take off itself from the end of Halloween 7 (shit).
What do you guys think? Would any of you be interested in reading it?
That sounds like a pretty good story line man. I like the idea a lot. I would be interested as well. It would be good to continue to the story with Laurie’s family. They kind of left what happened to John out of resurrection, that would have been a better story for them to follow IMO. So im right with you.
Thank you guys… I always thought it’d be interesting to see the effect returning to smiths grove would have on Michael and what could possibly cause him to go back.
I may actually have an investor in producing it, I also over the past few years have obtained myself a literary agent so I’m able to get it to the right people… (dimension, etc)
I’ve been thinking about my version of another remake as well. It would have Michael brought up in a decent home and not have any of the redneck/trailer trash family members like in the '07 remake. Not to say that those elements were bad though. It would show Michael living his life a day or two before he kills everyone. His dad the night before Halloween would go get the infamous mask and playfully chase everyone around. That would pretty much set up where the mask would come from. Halloween night his parents would go see some new movie not sure what movie though, just a movie is all I know. Judith will either a) take Michael out trick or treating with Laurie in a stroller or b) let Michael go with a friend from school. Now from here I was thinking that Michael would either a) kill his friend while they’re out and head home or b) just leave him and head back home to do his thing. Now Judith is the sweetest sister in the world and always looks out for Michael even though Michael isn’t bullied. Michael (with Laurie and Judith) return(s) home and Judith tell him not to eat too much candy and to be in bed by 10. Judith’s boyfriend comes over and it plays out just like the original where they have sex. Judith’s boyfriend…uh…let’s call him Billy lol is a kind of brother figure to Michael. Always buying Michael stuff. Back to the story, Michael for some reason just stops eating candy and goes to watch tv, it’s only after a minute of him watching tv does he get up and head to the kitchen. He grabs the knife and puts back on his clown mask, from here it would play out either like the original in Michael’s eyes or the '07 version. Michael kills Billy first when he goes to the bathroom and Judith’s listening to music. She wonders where Billy is so she goes out looking for him. Michaels lurking in the corner and he slowly walks toward her and stabs her a few times then heads outside just like the original. His parents get home and it then play’s out like '07 where Michael’s dad is holding back his mom as the bodies are being taken away. It’ll then play out with Michael meeting Loomis in the sanitarium.
That’s all I can think of for now. I’ll add more as I think of it but I want to keep the dirty and battered mask like off of RZH. There’s just something about it that I like. Can’t figure out why guess it’s just the look of it.
Tell me what you guys think
im sorry bud not saying i have a problem with your version (cause it is yours) but you really just have to change it completely like RZ did it sounds to me like yours could be like i directors cut to JC’s or RZ’s with some added or extended scenes its not really that different
Thanks for the comment MM, I couldn’t decide what kind of home Michael should live in. Because I’m sure there would be some people who would either prefer Michael to live in a trailer trash home or a decent home like in the original. Don’t think it would have worked as well if he was raised in a rich home. Those ideas I had was to strike a medium between the classic and the remake. You know, take the best of both worlds. The hardest part about remaking it would be to change it but change it enough so it doesn’t make all of the fans of the '78 and '07 mad. Good thing I’m not a screenwriter haha but that was just some ideas I threw together off the top of my head.
Don’t worry Maniac, you didn’t offend me. I just made it up as I thought about another remake.