Myers Mask on Sons of Anarchy

I know this has been discussed here but I didn’t wan’t to read any spoilers by accident. Can anyone tell me which mask they used? No spoilers about the show please… Thanks guys :slight_smile:

You that scene where …? And then …? That was crazy, I still can’t believe they did that.

I always thought the masks were CS 8 economy versions with the hairline pulled off and painted over. Great show by the way.

it kinda looks like a recast of those…the detail is highly washed out

The economy versions were definitely washed out. The detail just wasn’t there, and they were huge.

I think your right man. That would make complete sense… Mass produced easy to find. Thanks. Def a great show so far. Had to find something new to watch after Breaking Bad.

yeahi owned a couple…but they seem even more washed out in the show

I wonder if they used a thick paint and thats what made them look so washed out?

perhaps…i need to re watch, the econos were washed out but nowhere near how they were in the show for that scene…i remember thinking they recasted a mass produced it really looks washed out…i think one of them if i can recall u can BARELY see the eyebrows

I’m not sure what year, but Don Post told me it was The Mask and the mask was turned inside out; that’s way it looks like it does.

To me it looks like a DP, defo not CS cos it doesn’t have that H8 sculpt look to it. I think it looks like 2003 DP.

There are a number of scenes therein that show the mask as being turned inside out.

Turing it inside out makes complete sense too… That would explain the ears. I should have took more pictures.

that does make sense…we could probably grab those pics from somwhere bro…it someones avatar on here too

I’ve got a couple of screenshots that I grabbed:

Those are defo DP masks imo, i don’t think CS

Love this show!

Can you expain to this newbee what are DP masks and CS masks…Thanks

Oh…come on…anybody?

DP = Don Post
CS = Cinema Secrets