Nag 75K Castle by JC Worns!

First time doing some serious worn shots. Man is it difficult to photograph yourself. imgur has been crushing the backs on my photos for some reason. the masters arent as dark as they might be on here.

Mask: 75k castle by JC
Coveralls: Roebucks weathered by jimmy
Knife: dirtknap fx
boots: vietnam jungle boots

highlighted the face and knife a little bit


little extra castle stretch on this one

super imposed

simon inspired

Love the shots! You wear that mask well!

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Fantastic shots. :rock: :rock:

Oh my gosh, JC killed it on that mask, and your shots are amazing!

These are kick-a$$ pics! I love 'em! The first one and the last one are my favorites… the money shots! You look like you just stepped on to the set of Halloween!

awesome pics and mask! :slight_smile:

Great shots! Now that’s the shape.

Nice shots there bro.

Amazing pics and mask!! Looks like scenes right off the movie. Excellent

Horrifyingly accurate. Love the NAG Castle mask, and with JC’s touch, it becomes one of the best

Cool! Lookin good :wink:

Fantastic, and that mask is freaking stunning.


thanks everyone!

thanks man, i agree. The 75k castle and finish work are instant classics.

haha Thanks man, i wish the photos didnt get so compressed, the masters lighting is much much better, these uploads are very dark. like the last one i had highlighted the green on the boot, and on here you can barely tell :angry:

I like the darkness of the pics. It makes it look even more like on-set photos.

thanks man. the masters are still dark, but in all the right places as opposed to the whole image. im going to try a new host and see if that helps

That is a beautiful mask and those worns are amazing man!