NAG 75K Castle "H2" #2

This is the 2nd NAG 75K Castle that I’ve done so far. I think they absolutely nail the Warlock look with some stuffing… or with DW’s head inside lol. Thanks for looking and Happy October everyone! :smiling_imp:

Very nice James, looks amazing!

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Love seeing your threads James, killer work and amazing pictures :rock:

Everything you touch turns to gold. Looks incredible.

Looks amazing as usual James, love seeing your work.

beautiful !!

Much appreciated you guys! :jack_o_lantern:

Did not expect to see one of these H2 style but it looks great! Nice job as always, James!

Brilliant. That’s really all I can say.

Very nice!

Stunning :slight_smile:

Fantastic as usual James!

Congrats brother! :pumpkin:

Looks awesome !! Congrats

Looks great! Congrats to the owner :pumpkin: :rock:

Looks great, James… Would love to see some worns if you still have this one! Nice shots too. …ANDY

Thanks again fellas for the nice comments! :rock: