NAG 75K Castle Special Edition 2023 straight from Nik

Hey guys! Many months ago, you helped me pick a top-shelf H1 mask for my collection.
Well, 6 months later, and he’s here! NAG 75K Castle Special Edition straight from Nik himself.
I honestly couldn’t be happier, and it is an absolute BEAUTY of a mask. (Perhaps an overhaul could be in the books one day, but as for right now, this is my absolute grail. SO happy with how it turned out.)

In case anyone is wondering, the finish I requested was for his “Favorite/best interpretation on the phone scene.”


Nik did a great job there!

Looks great!

Nice, great work from Nik!

Congrats beautiful mask.

Looks great! Congrats!

I think I saw your review on YouTube. Your gf got it for you as a gift.

LOL! Yep, that’s my unboxing video.