Nag 75k castle vs Nag 75k new mold special

Joined FB yesterday just to message Nag and ford fx.

Was looking through Nikos mask gallery as ive never had FB before ive never seen his full line up and the 75k new mold special caught my eye, ive only ever really seen the castle 75k and the shape 78 ive never seen the 75k new mold mentioned anywhere !?

Anyone know the difference as they look similar to me ? I cant really see any “castle stretch” between the 2 ?

Maybe the new mold has a slight darker h4 covermask feel to it i dont really know ?

New mold 75k
75k castle special edition

Yeah I’m sadly the same way with a lot of these big names masks that are out there, yes some you can see differences, other sadly I don’t see any differences excpet maybe diffrent paint jobs nothing too much in the sculpting. But maybe I’ll learn

they all look very similar

Yeah same here mate, was thinking a more experienced collector would know some tiny detail lol

The castle is the more accurate option, the new mold is a really nice sculpt and pulls off a great h1 but for me the castle beats it in accuracy. It’s hard to point out the differences but the shape of the new mold feels off to me

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Cheers for your opinion mate !