Nag 98 proto vs nag 75k

Hello everyone, can someone tell me what the difference is between the nag 98 proto and the nag 75k? Thanks!

Barely any difference, I’d say maybe the 98 proto has a more defined shape?? U can see the lifecast form more on the 98. But detail wise and general sculpt wise, I think they are almost identical.

Basically what is said above. The 75k was (correct me if I’m wrong) Nik’s first ever retool of the 98 Proto after acquiring it. He had retooled parts of it/reshaped it it seems.

The 98 is a more direct cast.

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The big question is: which mask actually looks better?.. especially when taking worn photoshots?

Big facts

Thanks everyone!

These masks are so close and so similar that it simply comes down to the finishing work. Basically if you have a 98 Proto finished by JC and a 75K finished by Joe Blow… the 98 Proto wins. And vice versa. :wink:

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I like how you put that haha

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All personal preference at that point

It doesn’t matter. All of NAG’s masks start looking the same after a while. NightmareUL, 75K, 98Proto, New mold/Old mold, Supreme, Shape78, Mint75, RareR…whatever. Can’t even tell them apart. You can post any one of those asking what it is, and I would just say “Fuck it, its a 75K”.

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Does anyone know what specifically Nik retooled on the 98 proto to get to the 75k? Like more prominent cheek bones or something?

But then what happens when you have JC finish both? :wink:

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The main retooling that was done was the nose and overall shape

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Both JC conversions. The 98 has the paper towel mask stand

Isn’t that a 75k castle ?

Great comparison shots Jay. I could go with either of those. Some angles I like the 98 better. And some I like the 75K better.

Yeah Colin my bad. I read into this thinking it meant the Castle. Sorry guys!

I like the castle better than regular 75k things a beast

They are both awesome for sure but somehow I can usually spot a castle 75k more easily than a 98 proto. I’d love to have either