NAG/AHG H78 New Score

Mike has completed my search for the perfect H78.
check this out and a relaxing weekend everyone :drinkers:

OOOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEEE. Mike knocked that one outta the park, can we see some costume shots please… Dean

nice one Florian! :smiley:
I can see you’re gunna have a great weekend already.
Congrats my friend! :rock:

That is a bloody nice mask!! Congrats and great pictures too!

:rock: :rock: :rock:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Congrats, buddy!!!

Great mask, It’s a doozie!


The detail on that pull is awesome…Congrats

Glad you got what you were looking for Florian! :drinkers:

Awesome score dude!

Sweet!!! great score bro.

that is a great mask. great photographs, dude.


AWESOME score man! You’re one lucky S.O.B. :sunglasses:

Nice, Great mask!

I believe this was somewhat stylized to look like the H4 poster mask, wasn’t it?

Nice looking H78. :smiley:

Congrats brotha FLORIAN on your new score. Mike :smiley:

The only problem with this thread is that there isn’t enough pictures!! Awesome score man!
Mike did a great job on this one!! :open_mouth: :smiley:

Looks great Florian!! Congrats bro!!

thats a sweet mask you have thier bro gotta love the H78…Congrats man