NAG classic 78!!! NEW PICS!

Here’s a quick shot! More pics tonight :slight_smile:

Looks amazing bro! Few more pics would be great. :smiley:

What mask is that?

classic 78

thanks guys…classic 78 it is!!!
I got this badass mask in today from a good friend of mine, he is selling it.
He sent it to me so I could sell it for him.

GO check out the sale section for this mask!

ME WANT :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :cry:

That’s a sweet H1 Jon!
Good luck with the sale my friend

Gotta love them Classics! :slight_smile:

Here’s a few more…

IMO this thing looks killer on! If I could afford to buy it from him I would…but times are tuff! haha

Are the Classic 78s converted from the Classic 75 Kirk? Damn that’s a nice looking mask!

yes i think so brosif :slight_smile:


I agree, once on, these Classic 78 takes on a whole new life and produce some looks that lack in other masks.

I think it looks much better worn as well. Nice copy and should be an easy sell.

I think this mask would make a fantastic H2 with the right paintup!