Hey guys! My wife was nice enough to take some pictures of me tonight as Myers! What a trooper I think she did a great job! The pics capture that Octoberish kinda feel. Tell me what you think everyone Enjoy!!! Brent
very impressive pics.
Very cool Brent! Those look great They do have an awesome fall feel to them
Nice shots bro!
those pics when your hiding in the corn…sick!
Thanks everyone! Yea the corn pics I love, our camera died so I didnt get to take more in the corn
Great photos, you have some killer H1 looking poses there. Another awesome H78!!!
Sweet pics, and a super nice mask!!
Thanks Bobby and modadub.
Awesome pics! Love the corn shots!
Thanks Whiteshark!
Sweet pictures and sweet mask!
Thanks alot J!
Your wife & you did a great job!
Those are some kick ass pics man. Nice mask
Ooooh man, I love the shots and especially the corn field back ground!
Very nice mood setting Brent!
ok I didn’t plan on posting any comments today but damn this mask is really amazing
WOW I will take a shot to this
Awsome pic’s, I love the ones in the Barn, and the one of you and your dog… Dean
Wow thanks alot everyone! I am very proud to own this mask myself it gives off many great H1 looks. Again thankyou everyone my wife and I appreciate it! Brent