Hey guys! My wife was nice enough to take some pictures of me tonight as Myers! What a trooper I think she did a great job! The pics capture that Octoberish kinda feel. Tell me what you think everyone Enjoy!!! Brent

Nice :drinkers:

very impressive pics. :slight_smile:

Very cool Brent! Those look great :open_mouth: They do have an awesome fall feel to them :axe:

Nice shots bro! :sunglasses:

those pics when your hiding in the corn…sick!

Thanks everyone! Yea the corn pics I love, our camera died so I didnt get to take more in the corn :imp:

Great photos, you have some killer H1 looking poses there. Another awesome H78!!!

Sweet pics, and a super nice mask!! :axe: :drinkers:

Thanks Bobby and modadub. :sunglasses:

Awesome pics! Love the corn shots!

Thanks Whiteshark!

Sweet pictures and sweet mask! :smiley:

Thanks alot J!

Your wife & you did a great job!


Those are some kick ass pics man. :imp: Nice mask :smiley:

Ooooh man, I love the shots and especially the corn field back ground! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Very nice mood setting Brent! :rock:


ok I didn’t plan on posting any comments today but damn this mask is really amazing
WOW I will take a shot to this :drinkers:


Awsome pic’s, I love the ones in the Barn, and the one of you and your dog… Dean

Wow thanks alot everyone! I am very proud to own this mask myself it gives off many great H1 looks. Again thankyou everyone my wife and I appreciate it! :smiley: Brent