NAG PS78 or NAG Kirk Stretch?

Which one do you think is better?

  • PS78
  • Kirk Castle Stretch
  • Both are equal
0 voters

Let’s see…

Top one is kirk castle stretch, bottom is PS78

Both done up by James Carter

Fkn both.

Both are the same

Based on comparing both masks to shots of Nick Castle wearing the mask in H1, I’m going to say the PS78 comes closer. Still, I like the look of the Kirk stretch.

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Kirk Stretch gets my vote. I think it’s more accurate in the Castle look and Nik charges way less for it. Tbh the ps78 doesn’t really remind me of any scene. Doesn’t look like the phone scene to me. Maybe the Hallway scene? Not at all a bad mask but I think the Kirk stretch is the way to go.

Exactly! Why is the nose on the ps78 so thin at the bottom!? I don’t understand how the ps78 is more accurate than the Kirk stretch.

Yea. Like said, I nice mask. The Kirk stretch seems to be more accurate just cause Nik definitely had something to work off of…

Both are great masks but I voted for ps78 because I own one and IMO it’s the best h1 mask ever created. You can’t go wrong with either mask I have owned many of Nick’s masks and they are world class :slight_smile:

The PS78 looks much nicer. The Kirk stretch looks a bit like a WMP Genesis, which I find off-putting.

Although I’m not a huge fan of either, even with it being rushed the new one looks better. The PS78 looks like it has a mouth full of marbles to me.

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I think the day JC paints one of those “I.D.” masks we’re gonna have some very different opinions.

For now… I have to say the Kirk Stretch.

Not a big fan of stretch masks generally. I love the neutral look of H1, and stretched only when worn. But both looks good! However, I can tell that the Kirk Stretch mask doesn’t look as polished as the PS78 or refined. It looks like Nikos got it out real quick to compete with the “ID” mask which is a much more detailed one.

I believe the PS78 is the Best Myers mask period.
All you need Is proper lighting and it’s like Myers came right off the screen.

Everyone is different, Caleb Crofts JC I.D looks straight out of the film as well

Wish the ps78 was smaller like a 23.5 one would be sweet

I think jc already did paint an ID mask if I remember correctly

Yes he did. Anything JC touches turns to gold

The PS78 isnt even accurate??? Its a display mask. The stretch is built into the mask, so when its worn it looks weird af. The 75k castle has a subtle stretch and looks exactly like the HERO displayed or worn. If you want to display a ps78 and are looking to recreate one scene, than go for it. If you want an all around identical mask, its the 75k for sure imo.

From what I’ve found, a stretch mask is cool for wearing as long as you don’t add any extra stretch. I was just recently talking to killerpsychomask about this. Again, it all depends on the mask and the copy though imo

I like the look of the Kirk stretch more than the PS 78. The PS 78 has a dead fish look to it with the mouth open like that. The tighter lips on the Kirk stretch I don’t know what it is but it gives it a more sinister look in my opinion