NAG Rare Conversion

Hi! I got this NAG Rare as a blank with somewhat rough eye cuts, which I was able to fix and paint him up H1 style for a customer. Hope you dig it! P.S.: another artist is hairing him!

Beautiful job, Jason! Weathering is subtle yet tasteful, and the eye cuts look superb. Kicking myself for not picking this blank up… Can’t wait to see it haired!

VERY awesome job, Jason. Impressed for sure, and I love the silvery tones in the paint.

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Nice !

I dig it and I believe I know who this one belongs to, going to be a real stunner with some proper hair.

Isn’t this a NAG RareR? :confused:

Anyhow… where did you get a RareR blank. I love this mask. You did a great job with the eyes and paint too btw.

Always been a big fan of this sculpt, amazing job on the paint as well. Gives off a look that I really dig, great job man.

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Nice. I really like that. Great job! :wink:

Love the clean paint style and the silvery-white color of the paint.

A Rarer is just a Kirk version of a Rare.

Never heard that before. I guess you learn something new everyday. Assuming you’re correct of course.

Jc did a RareR Conversion in 2017 he showed the Blank in the Thread it had Myers Eyes … Anyone more Infos of the Rare/RareR and was it really a 1k Mask back in the Day? Does Nikos still do this Mold?

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WOW, Nice job! Love the mask. …ANDY

Nik is making the Rarer’s again.Here’s one JC just did.
New rarer.jpg

One of my favs. Beautiful mask.

again why he disconnected them in the past? was it a really some rare work like the 2k?

That’s an excellent job on that man! Looks incredible! :rock:

Love this mask. Thanks for posting.

There is a big mystic cloud over the RareR … i just read thats its from the retool of the nag Nightmare Mold such like a better version … anyone of the VETs here has more Infos???

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