NAG screen used H2 replica WIP

Here is the H2 version of my H9 sculpt,its no finished yet but ill have it ready soon,

Shot with PENTAX Optio A40 at 2010-01-05

hope you like it

God bless

That’s looking great so far Nik! :smiley:
Can’t wait to see the finnished proto.

fuckin awesome Nik cant wait to see this completed been waiting patiently for mine

that’s what I’ve been waiting for!!! awesome!!!

looks great nik, im ready for this one too, just received my h9 today in the mail, its insane!!!

Hell yes, its gettin hard to keep up when these great pieces keep comin out :smiley: ha ha ha.

Man, i been waiting anxiously to see this new H2 mask. Its finally here…well, almost. Looking very awesome Nik. Cant wait to get mine from you. Gonna be a badass mask, bro!! Nice job!! :rock:

Looks amazing man. My have to pick up one from you.

cant wait to see it finished out :rock:

Thats looking great Nik…The only thing I would suggest is to make the main scar on the right side of the face below the bullet hole wound is protrude…The only H2 mask ive seen do this so far is the Diablo H2…You do that with these man and its gonna make it that much more accurate…It looks like you will be having the bullet hole scars protrude a tad as well which is perfect because it seemed they did that on screen just a tad…But the main scar below it on the right side is definately protruding on screen…Just a suggestion because that looks like its gonna be very sweet…Later guys

looking awesome bro
cant wait to see this guy finished

Looking quite fantastic.

So far so good. :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see the finished product.

wow dude thats superb and crazy…you should go a route most mask makers dont do and make the revolver cover H2 first and not the bloody or exposed…and then make the bloody and exposed…just a thought do your thing your the man nik cant wait to see this shit finished totally unreal

hey nickolas what happened with a large size of those H9’S? any news


Really Awesome JOB, NIK!!!

:open_mouth: I think I’m in LOVE… :laughing: Nice WIP NIK :supz:

Its 98% finished

By null, shot with PENTAX Optio A40 at 2010-01-07


it shall be mine!
