NAG Screen Used H9

My NAG Screen Used H9 arrived today. I’m currently sick & feel like crap but wanted to get some pics posted. I’ll post some better shots on another day when I’m feeling better. This is the regular size and fits like a glove. Not to large and not to small.

Nik also included this. I didnt order it so it came as a surprise :slight_smile:

heey if u dont mind me asking when was urs shipped ?

and lovely copy brother

It was shipped around 1/18. And was stuck in NY USPS from 1/22. It just arrived today.

sick ass copy bro by the way what is Nik’s email I need to contact him for a copy. How much is it bro? Take care and God Bless

325 for deluxe and i think 300 for reg

What would you prefer deluxe or regular? Just wantin to know cause I wanna make sure it is just right


sweet thanks bro. Again Phantom I am just diggin that mask and hope you get feelin better bro. I bet your just itchin to take costume shots! lol

Thats badass bro! Thanks for sharing!

Jon N.

Thanks guys…
I forgot to mention above that its the deluxe version.

Zack4394 I’m dying to take some costume shots. As soon as my head clears up :slight_smile:

nice man, he included that same h9 clown with my rotted, it is pretty cool, Z

yeah when mine came i also got the clown mask, hes including them in the first 50 orders…nice score , i know i love mine shit is dopee

sweet mask bro, i got mine yesterday and couldn’t be any happier with it. that mask fits you good bro, congrats

nice one man!

J :wink:

I am getting so jealous when people start posting pics of this mask while I am still waiting! Awsome mask man! Can’t wait till mine comes in…

I’m glad to be back!

Man, I love that mask! Nik’s work on this mask is insane!! Mine’s on the way soon! Expect lots of pics!!!

Thanks a lot for the comments guys. These pics were taken with my camera phone. I’m going to get some better pics done this weekend :smiley:

Awesome score my friend! :sunglasses: