NBC Friday Night Halloween Premiere 1981


And I remember seeing it that night, I was 10!

That was cool for sure…woohoo

you and i kirk- were the same age and were doing the exact same thing that night! :laughing:

that was an excellent find there!

thanks for the post-
J :wink:

Awesome find! I always wanted to see that. I did see the Halloween NBC broadcast, but I wish I could see it with all the commercials and stuff.
Thanks for sharing!

Man is that old school seems like i was back in 81 watching it ahh the good old days

Good stuff!!

Very cool.

That indeed is a cool find, unfortanlty I didn’t see it on t.v back then, cause when I first saw it in thearters at age 7 in 78 it scarred the s**t outta of me lol Dean


Me too :sunglasses:
I saw it when I lived in Kentucky and saw it the next year too.
The 2nd year when they showed it, the introduction was even scarier.
Thanks for the memories Billy!

That was great, thanks.

That was an incredible find. I love seeing things how movies were broadcast on cable, Blast from the past.

Very cool! Isn’t that the same showing of Halloween that Daniel Ferrands watched?

man…I just got a little misty eyed…thanks for the trip down memory lane and heres to us kids of the 70’s! :drinkers:

Awesome. It also has Kiss Meets The Phantom Premiere. I remember counting down the days for that one also to as a kid. It was cool then but watching it today it was one of the cheesiest movies ever!!! :laughing: