Need help PS78 or 75k Castle? NAG

Hello, I am putting in my order with Nick tomorrow for either a PS78 or a 75K caste, in a 24.5

I made up my mind on the 75k Castle until, Nick also showed me the PS78, Here is a photo of both finished by Nick.

I want it to looks as close to the 78 movie as possible with Nick Castle wearing it.

I have ready that the PS78 looks funny while wearing though and Is more of a display piece, If that is the case i would go for the 75k castle, If any ps78 owners could confirm on deny this that would be great!

Kind Regards

The PS78 is great worn. As a matter of face my 75k Castle looked goofy worn. The 75k is the one behind the tree.

It all depends on your head shape. The real winners around here are the folks with smaller heads that don’t distort the mask when they wear them. Get the mask you like best!

If you are looking for a castle stretch, the PS78 is better!

Thank you for this very informative, what size is yours?
And it looks great!

My head is 23.5 so going to go far a 24.5

Pretty much made up my mind after some helpful people of this forum and fb going to order the ps78 :jack_o_lantern:

Thats what I found odd about the 75K Castle I had. Im just shy of 23.5 and theres only two masks Ive distorted really bad. TOTS 2018 and The 75K Castle. Whats weirder is both my PS78 and 75k were 24-24.5. Something was funky with my 75k