Hi folks, have to share this with you as i really think i soon have one of best RZ myers mask out there , thanks again to the genius men behind this !!!
i plan to use it as mask on my lifesize myers RZ display i will make soon as i just bought the screenused hero T.W. worn H2 coveral from final climax farm scenes and screenused chain hook.
Yeah that was Addisons redo . You can tell by the hair and just look at the pics when he posted it sameone . Nice pick up again tho man and great job addison
Hi and many thnaks for kind words !!! i really cant wait for this beauty to arrive soon !!!will post more pics by then !!!
jeahh its adissons personal copy he made for himself and i can not thank him more for selling this to me !!! he is a genius man as the paint is amazing and the thinned out hair looks soo accurate !!! Big thanks of course must go to good old NIK for sculpting this !!! i think this copy shows well what potential is in the scarred !!!