this is me in my costume
yes it is taken by my phone.
Looking good. You should give us a full body shot…wow, that sounded so perverted!
yes that did, and i will work on that.!!! :butthead:
i Should have one up by tomorrow.
still love the samhain
The samhain still gives off that evil demeted look great shot
wow, nice shot and nice mask! does anyone else think the samhain looks more h6? i think because of the boney features. i think with a kickass h6 paint job and hair job, it would make a very good h6 mask, lol
It is an h4 cover mask
Sweet mask dude!
I just saw an awesome one for sale in the classifieds!
Love the mask. I always wanted a Haddonfield Slasher or Samhain myself. It for sure made the H4 poster.
i do agree. it keeps reminding me of the H6 mask. but it is also is one of the best H4 poster masks ive seen. I love this masks even more for price of the mask.