New DPS Kirk mask Video (1980's proto)

Well as most of you know Im one of the worlds worst picture takers and camera shopper :laughing: so I thought I’d try my hand at a quick video. I was moving some things around today and took my One of a kind 1980’s DPS proto out of it’s case dust it and move it too it’s new location. I took a quick video of it which I thought you all would enjoy checking out. Like I said Im the worst at taking pictures and not too much better at video, but I thought some of you would really enjoy seeing this rare gem in movie format…


Damn thats an awsome Dp, just wish the eye’s weren’t so big, But awsome none the less… Dean

Wow thats a sweet mask! Too bad the eyes are soo huge lol. :open_mouth:

Great vid Kenny :rock:
Love the kirk details :sunglasses:

Beautiful Kirk!

Awesome! it’s just too bad the eyes were cut huge!!!

Why did that never go into mass production?, this mask is AWESOME!!!

Fantastic video, very nice angles. This mask has such a unique look, and the finishing is beautiful. So vintage. The 75 Kirk details are certainly there. Superb.

Awesome mask man! Love the unique look this thing has!

Nice mask less the eye cuts. I can’t believe someone would screw the eye cuts up so bad. :frowning:

Thanks for all the feedback guys. As far as the eyes nobody messed up the eye cuts. Those are stardard DPS eye cuts for the 80’s if you look very close you can see the sculpt line around the eyes in person. Im going too have some eye inserts placed in it too hopefully even the look out. Thanks again guys!


Very nice and I love those vintage details :open_mouth: Can you explain to me which ones had the “front neck” lines, ya know the throat area? Not sure what thats called and I’m not even going to try :laughing: Niks Mint 75s has this on the throat as well and it has always puzzled me as to which kirks has it and which doesn’t.

Thanks for that awesome video!


Hey James…As far as DPS and the neck lines go, All of the 1975 Kirks has them markings, My DPS Proto, 1998 (unenlarged) and the 1999 Shatners I also believe had them. The 1985’s (THE MASK) and 1990’s (dps/rubies shatner) have A VERY faint neck mark almost not there. I had too take a real close look at my 1990 Shatner too see if it’s on that mask. There is just a bit of the lines but there not positioned the same and completly different in size. It’s almost not even worth mentioning about the 85’s and 90’s it’s just so faint on those examples. If you have any other questions feel free too ask. Thanks for kudos James.


That’s a cool mask, H20 eye cuts. Gives it a unique look. I like it

Thanks Kenny, that clears it up my friend! Again, thanks for the great vid!


thats a fine ventage peice you got there man.

The unenlarged '98 Shatners do indeed have these lines. I just checked mine.

Thanks for the confirm. Ive owned both $40 versions of the 99’s in various forms and 2 Orginial $100 99 shats and they all had the neck markings similar too the '75. I havent seen an unenlarged 98 in person, but considering it is a recast and or laser scan of the 75 I would certainly assume they indeed have those marking aswell, which they do. the 85’s and 90’s have very little if any neck detail outside of a faint outline that is not in the same EXACT area and NOT as big as whats on the 75’s my proto and the 99’s. It’s pretty faint on those versions (1985 and 1990) and very very standout in the 75’s and my Proto aswell as the $100 Shatners…


Bad Ass mask Bro.

Thanks again everyone. Out of all the masks iVe ever owned and that includes pieces such as the kh/dw first run nmm78 and a 75 kirk itself this is by far my favorite. The latex is thick enough too stop a bullet and is pure with no additives this gem will last a lifetime. the look it has is like nothing I could compare it too. the eyes scream DPS and although I know too most isnt the most flattering part too the mask it’s one of my favorites. It just screams retro imo. Thanks again everyone!
