New from U.K. with two scores

Hi all,

Greetings from a new member in the UK. Just wanted to say hello and post pics of two recent scores. It is a lot harder scoring good Myers masks here in the U.K, what with higher postage costs and import fees. eBay UK rarely gets a high end Myers and when there is one it is snapped up in a second.
Anyway I managed to score a 2018 creep and an overhauled Tots 2018 so thought I would share. Love seeing everyone else’s awesome pieces :jack_o_lantern::hocho:


Welcome aboard! Thanks for sharing. These look great!

Good couple of masks! And welcome!

Theres a couple of us on here from the UK so we feel your pain mate lol

Loving that Creep!

Great masks man. Welcome to the board :rock: :myers:

Thanks for the warm welcome guys :+1:t2: the creep only turned up today so pretty pleased with that…

Welcome man! Those masks are top notch badass man! :myers:

Welcome man and congrats on the scores. Love the Creep and that is a badass overhaul

Thanks all, much appreciated.

Hey we are based in the uk.

Instagram: Se7ensins_Studios
We are really looking to change the uk horror scene.

Nice to see more UK Myers lovers on the board. Welcome man.

Cheers all, good to meet so many fans of the boogeyman worldwide :jack_o_lantern::hocho:
…and Jacnco, I checked you out on Instagram, lovely rehauls :+1:t2:

thanks man.