New Halloween?

Steve Miner for Halloween 3D?
Halloween 3DSteve MinerThe Weinstein Co.
We usually don’t report on rumors because they often have a nasty habit of ending up being debunked, but it’s hard not to see the logic in this tasty tidbit that has come across our desks.

Courtesy of Dread A tipster, who wants to be identified only as The Egg Man, wrote in to us tonight with what could very well be an interesting development on the Halloween 3D front.

It would seem that Dimension is in negotiations with none other than Steve Miner to helm the next Halloween film. Why him? You may remember that Miner directed Halloween: H20 and Friday the 13th Parts II and III.

Being that Miner has successfully brought Myers to life once already after a miserable bout of sequels and has experience working in 3D, he truly seems like a logical candidate to be up for the job. Hence our reporting on this possibility. Lord knows, a little logic pertaining to the Halloween franchise would be a good thing right about now.

Only time will tell but we’ll do some digging. So if this does come to fruition (which we’re highly skeptical of), make sure you remember where ya heard it first.

  • Uncle Creepy

    What do you guys think of this development after the abomination of what Zombie created? Does it make sense to go back to the original Myers theme and story at this point?

I actually Liked RZ Halloweens. People just need to remove their heads from there butts and realize we are in the 2000’s and not 1979. Pretend the others were not made when you watch these and you’ll find they are very good! I hope Rob does more of these!!!

The first remake isn’t terrible but isn’t the greatest…
I honestly hope they pull a hulk and let steve miner remake it again, but atleast keep the same costume, cause I do like the RZ style costume

i think we should stop with the remakes and the sequals to remakes and just go back to the original series.
i mean how can someone come back and make a good movie from h2’s ending it be pretty hard. so what im saying
is go back to the original series bring back tommy dole, john tate and make a great sequal to resurrection. lets face it
can we really do much worse form here on out?

They should have just ended the original series at H20, and Rob’s series should end with H2. There’s good closure with both series’.

what im saying is that the killed michael at the end of RZ H2 and michael never died at the end of resurrection so in my mind we
have one complete series and one with a could their be a sequal ending. so what if resurrection was a bad movie i honestly love resurrection
but it did make a good amount at the box office and i think that if we go back to the orginal series it would get younger audiance members to go
out and buy the old series and then pay to see the new sequal. but thats just my 2 cents

It would probably confuse people way too much. If there was a new Halloween movie, one that continued from Resurrection, people would go in expecting a sequel to RZ’s H2…unless it were titled Halloween 9 (but no company would want to use that).

it would confuse people that much. people call resurrection h8 and people know what your talking about
and it would be fine if they started numbering the series again to avoid confusion like this and you could go
and use halloween 9 if you use a good sub title like the death, rebirth,of michael myers or just say halloween 9: red october.
that would work fine.

Honestly for the sake of the original it should have just been left alone after the ending of H1, except H3 which is a completely different story. I kinda liked the creepshowish idea that Carpenter had. Anyways isn’t it more disturbing to think of Michael Myers as a force than trying to tie him to secret family members, cults, and what not. The open ending that H1 had was genius, implying that evil cannot be stopped. On the other hand for the sake of the mask collector we wouldn’t have all these different awesome masks lying around. :laughing: