new just got it in

Cool man! How tall is it, approx?


6-1 about

Awesom man . One thing I know alot of people were wondering is the mask removeable ? Is it latex placed ontop of it or hard plastic ?

Pretty darn sweet man! I’m def gonna try to pick one of these up. Congrats

mask and head are all one piece, its hard plastic. the head itself is removable :axe:

NICE!!! I LOVE SEEING LIFE-SIZE DISPLAYS! that one actually looks WAY better than i expected it too. I think it’s kind of sweet that the head is all plastic, i’m sure the detail is crazY!


That was weird…First I thought it was you dressed up, then I saw the box…then the box with the toddler…and was like, wait what the…OH, “collapses down”… :laughing:
Pretty killer dude!

Is the knife removable? It would be better if he was making a jabbing down motion, instead of stabbing himself in the face…
VERY cool score though man! I love it!

Sweet score bro! :smiley:

Very cool!!

great score Bud…thats real creepy…


Where did you get that? That’s freakin’ huge.

now send it to JC :wink:


kirk that looks as good in the video. and i did thank it was you with a new mask on? congrtas james

That is an awesome score and I also have to say i thought it was a mask you had bought and all when i saw the first pic.

i have to put it out in my horror room keeps scarin everyone(got me a few times) :axe:

That looks awesome I have got to get one :mrgreen: