New KH/DW pics

Another new set of pics here of my KH/DW :smiley:

What’a beauty Darren!


Very nice Darren

Saweet! Great pics Mr. Strawberry! :smiley: :wink:

Cool pics Darren, it’s beautiful!!!

Awsome! Send it here~

Awesome mask!!

Great looking KH, Darren. It’s great to see you posting on here again. :smiley:

One of the best copies Darren,if not the best.Very Sharp…

Wow very very nice!

Just an Awesome copy Darren! :smiley:
Thanks for posting my friend.

AWESOME MASK BROTHER! :smiley: :mrgreen:
Cade D. Earnhart

Beautiful! :stuck_out_tongue:

Very nice indeed… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Damn, what a great mask… Just awesome… Nick

the shizzle yo!!

looks real good man!
marcus :mrgreen:

A fine looking mask no question!

Beautiful! I still regret selling mine years ago! :frowning:

VERY Nice Sir!

that’s just plain awesome!!! :axe: