New KHSLE Pics... (some very Kirk-ish ones too!)

Of all the masks I’ve owned this is one of the very few that I haven’t lost the initial “love buzz” that usually wears off after a couple of weeks.

This mask still has me mesmerised so I find myself continuing to litter the site with pics of HIM!! Thanks to Colin for helping me obtain this beauty, I owe you one bro!

With these pics I wanted to focus more on the detail in the sculpt of the mask and also use the “H2 Red-Lights” in a few pics to create some mood! Hope you enjoy them.

By the way…do you guys see the STRONG Kirk resemblance in the first three pics that I see??

Post all you want of this beauty brudda and yes…The Kirk is strong with this one… :smiley:

Defintely a nice Kirk look…Keep posting the pics!

Great shots!!!

The ones with the red light are my favorites Benny. We need to get those and a lot of other KH shots in the gallery…like me and Donnie’s. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

that mask is suhweeeet!

Actually I very much do see a Kirk in there, its appropriate too. When Ken was working on this I was helping him with some digital overlays and animations with various pictures of Kirks Ive collected over the years, and the proportions are bang on. !
Ben, we both won on this trade, I think we need to buy each other a pint:):slight_smile:

Great pics Benny, can’t get tired of watching kH-pics :laughing: .


Very Creepy, Cool shots Benny!!!

:rock: :rock:

Nice to see you takin pics Benny!
The KH looks awesome under red light :sunglasses:
Hope to see some costume shots brotha!

Any pics you post Benny is always pure eye candy on our part my friend.
THIS copy has incredible detail and I to can see some kirk qualities in this piece.
Excellent use of lighting buddy.

I could stare at them KH’s all day long! Great pics dude! :smiling_imp:

wicked pic’s!!! :slight_smile:


Wow I would give my left pinky finger for that. It surely doesn’t get any better than that. And for you to have one is even more bonus for you :rolleyes:

Those are some of the best shots I’ve seen of the SE. Both you and Colin came out of this deal smelling like roses.

Cool mask :stuck_out_tongue:

Awsome shots, and we can never get tired of seeing that beauty… Dean

Thanks for sharing those wonderful pics Benny !

All of these comments from my collecting brothers are VERY much appreciated. Thank you for sharing the fun with me!

Benny those shots are amazing my friend. I could look at that badboy forever!