New Movie questions and pespectives

Hello all, lifelong Halloween fan here. Love the new movie and there are a few points I would love to hear some of your thoughts on.

In the original Myers escapes because the opportunity presents itself. In the new film his escape is orchestrated by his Dr…at least that’s how I took it. Once free he seems to have a single drive to murder as evident by his house to house killing spree.

We want him to be obsessed with Laurie but is he? Is he driven to finally kill this one girl after 40-years or is she not even on his mind at this point? Not like he is going to look her up in the phone book. In the new film she is obsessed with him but is he obsessed with her? He seems content on a murder buffet.

At some point do you think he sees Laurie and remembers her? He was only at her house because he was driven there by his Dr. At that point do you think he saw an opportunity to continue a murder spree or did he identify and become fixated with killing Laurie once again?

Now that the brother angle has been erased what is his obsession with Judith? In the original there is the headstone which is a bit random but good creepy feature. In the new movie why was he at the cemetery? Why was he driven to visit his sisters grave? Seems odd if he is simply driven to commit mass murder.

I think that the reason Michael revisited the grave site is simply because he just wanted to revisit his first murder before he goes on a murderous rampage. At least that’s how I interpreted it

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First off, agreed I absolutely love this movie
To get to your question I believe he feels it’s a familiar territory after being in captivity for that long. He’s going back to every spot he’s been since his last free day in 1978. And you got it, I think Laurie is no longer a priority she was in "78 because he had seen her (Especially because she walked to his doorstep) but just like any other random victim that’s what she always was.

I really love the differents aspects to the new film. While its not a perfect film, i think it would have benefitted with an extra 15-20 minutes to add a little more character depth, give the movie a little room to breathe and add another sequence of the shape just randomly stalking and killing people one after the other.

Therers parallels and metaphors imo between dr sartain and the fans, a lot of people hate him but i dont, i think it adds a lot to it and it kinda mirrors our own fascination with serial killers.

Theres also the hunter/hunted aspect to it and how the tables have turned. to tell you the truth i dont think michael cares about laurie or is even thinking about it. Kinda like the joker he is a dog chasing cars, he is a force let loose like the shark in jaws and acts on pure instinct. There is no motive except that survival instinct like a wild animal. For many of the sequels the angle
Of him being obsessed with laurie or his siblings had ran its course so i like the fresh new take on it. The mask also adds so much to the film. For the first time in a long time most of the community agreed that the mask looks great, evidence of this is the tots mask and its popularity.

The only thing i didnt like about it is the kid and his reaction when the shape is in the closet. It had been ok and the suspense up until that point. I wish the scene had been modified so he wasnt in the closet ( a lot of cut footage nowadays ends up in trailers) and maybe under the bed or something. A real reaction would have been screaming but not “oh sh*t”.

The last thing is the ending. Really wish there would have been somethinng added where they check and he is gone. Its out of character for laurie to not check at all, seeing how she is obsessed with him and killing him to just drive away as the house burns down assuming he is dead. Of course, since in this universe the sequels never happened she is not accustomed to michael always returning. Good movie overall, a solid effort.

I agree with you and Aldo - removing the familial link returned Laurie to what she was in the original; wrong place, wrong time random, targeted when she dropped the spare key at the Myers house. In H18 he’s just on a spree. There’s no indication he even remembers Laurie, and it’s Sartain who engineers Michael ending up at Laurie’s house. Even then I don’t get the impression he recognises her.

Aldo, you said “He’s going back to every spot he’s been since his last free day in 1978”. Are we to take it that when he starts his killing spree in the neighborhood that this is the same neighborhood from the final 1/2 of Halloween '78? I love that idea.

When he is staring at the mirror (she then shoots) do you take it that he is seeing her or possibly staring at his own reflection? He’s staring at something.

When he kills the mechanics in the garage you have to love that someone is always wearing his size jumpsuit and boots. Nothing worse than stalking victims in boots that don’t fit right :slight_smile:

One other note, I just watched the deleted scenes and there is a scene with Hawkins and the Dr in the police cruiser. The Dr explicitly states that Michael is out find and kill Laurie. I don’t know if we want to consider a deleted scene part of the film but that being said we would have to assume that the Dr. put the bug in Michael’s ear for a round 2 with bad ass Laurie.

Maybe that’s why it was deleted - it doesn’t really fit with him running away from her after the mirror scene.