New multi-mask display stand

I thought I’d post some pics of my collection on my new display unit while I still have these seven masks together. Because one of these is out the door tomorrow in a trade for yet another H78. Yes indeed… my third H78 is on its way. Can you guess which one of these masks will be leaving me tomorrow? :mrgreen:

dude that’s amazing!! I Love your 78’s and fear my fav masks

Cool collection MAN… Love the stand… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

awesome display and cant wait to see ur new h78, and id say its the october 78 thats leaving

That stand is amazing.VERY nice!!

Very nice collection and stand!


Yeah, thats pretty sweet! :rock:

Nice little buck too :mrgreen: You hunt?

Cool collection. CONGRATS :finga:

It’s a bit eerie for me to see that all the masks follow your angle.
I mean they look at you everywhere you are. Huuu haaaa. :open_mouth: :smiley:

Take care

Very nice. Guessing the St Nick or Oct78 bites the dust.
Also, nice 8 pointer. :drinkers:

Thats awesome man!

I used to be a big hunter. The following pics are for you and swampbilly to check out. :smiley:

Wow, a very noble looking way of presenting your top notch mask collection.
love that multi stand :sunglasses:

Kick-ass stand and display unit!
Love it!

:open_mouth: That’s amazing!

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: That looks awesome!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: