Are you sure people are getting their mask that ordered after you? I mean 3 months is nothing in this hobby. If you get it to where he doesn’t want to deal with you in the future, that would suck for you. Nothing wrong with checking in once in a while…but this man probably has so many projects other than masks on his plate.
well if you’d read the posts up here, the OP ordered his on january 26th or 27th he said, so yes in this case it was after me since I’ve ordered mine on jan 18th, over 3 months could be nothing and a lot, it all depends on the deadline the artist himself sets for you, in my case the turnaround time was around 2 months, so I think it’s prettty natural to get worried when you pass the deadline without receiving any solid update, and I wonder how you could think that asking or getting worried about the delay should get it to the point that he doesn’t want to deal with me anymore since I’m a paying customer? it’s more likely the customer that doesn’t want to deal with an artist/seller anymore should things go south or not receiving a satisfactory service, so please stop thinking artists are god and clients dogshits.
Anyway this is not the case with Nikos, he admitted there’s been a substantial delay due to the great deals of blank requests and he apologized, possibly my mask was already done for some time but didn’t remember who to contact, although we’ve chatted regularly since january he might have mismatched FB user with Paypal account, in fact today he asked my Paypal name and he managed to track down my mask and sent me the first pictures, just the time to hair it and should be out by friday.
So problem solved it seems, there’s been a little setback but all’s well that ends well, gonna post the hairless pictures on the thread soon