New NAG 75K Castle

My NAG 75K Castle coming soon :heart_eyes:

Clean version with very slight weathering on eyebrows, nose, mouth, and cheek bones to bring out details only!

Flesh tone!

Specific eye cuts and hair requested!

Thanks for looking!

Looks good man!

That looks fantastic!

:drinkers: :myers:

Very nice score! Congrats!

Man you’re just getting me more and more amped up for mine

Looks good! Should have mine in a few weeks. It can’t get here soon enough…

Hey! When did you order yours?

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Congrats on your mask ! Looks fantastic!

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Welcome to the Castle Club :laughing: :myers:

nice, when did you order yours?

January 27th or 26th

and the pictures you’ve posted are the ones of your copy sent by Nikos?

Its a castle!! The best he does

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Yes, all of these pictures you saw is my mask. I requested a clean finish with very slight weathering on nose, eyebrows, mouth, and cheeks to bring out the details without the mask looking weathered. I also requested flesh tone with no weathering and specific eye cuts and hair. He nailed it!

Thanks :slight_smile:

I believe January 26th or 27th

I’m really getting riled up a bit now, I ordered mine on january 18 and still no picture, and he keeps putting it off all the time I text him…

Message him again. Did you contact him through NAGMasks or Nikos Dresios?

Nikos Dresios, he answers but keeps saying next week, it’s been over 3 months now while it was supposed to be 2, I start to believe that big names and people he knows get the priority instead of who gets in line first, I’m gonna write him again now but it’s the fourth time I write him, while other people simply got the picture without asking anything…