New NAG/AHG Kirk #2 Score! Pic HEAVY

Happy new year all,

This is a H78 Kirk deluxe #2 converted by AHG. I received this the other day from James D. and I love it! Beautiful weather and hairing and the sculpt in my eye, is still the BEST Myers sculpt period.

Here are a few pics, hope you enjoy. Sorry I didn’t take any shirtless drum pics like Misfit does :smiley:

The flash kills it here but you can see detailed weathering better.

Take care,


Nice one Bry :sunglasses:
I thought the last one you had looked just as good :mrgreen:

Love the Sam bust :rock:

Awesome looking mask. :smiley:

Great score.

Thanks guys, I do appreciate it!




Great copy right there. Congrats! :smiley:

Great mask Bryan :rock: Congrats man!
Jay Muzz

Cool score Bryan! :rock:
If that’s the mask I think it is, you got a pretty good deal on that thing too. :sunglasses:

Gorgeous - I love how that one is done. Hope to have one much like it someday. Again, FANTASTIC mask! :rock:

Great lookin Mask.

Looks great Bry
glad it arrived safely.

looking forward to the JC version :rock:


killer score man! i dont think it gets much better than that :drinkers:

Sweet score Bryan! Congrats bro! :smiley: :rock:

Amazing score…congrats.

Thats simply amazing.I have to say that the finishing on this is as good as any Ive ever seen.Congrats on a beautiful score bro…

Very Nice score! I really like the way that one was finished.

Congradulations on your score bro.

Thanks everyone. Much appreciated. Mike did a fantastic Job on the conversion. Great sculpt by Nik as usual,


