gave it a shot…the vest IS army diamond pattern…dont ask please…got the bowie knife from dicks the blade is around 11’’ long…
everything else is screen accurate i feel ill get pics of the whole costume
if your an annoying person who comes to this section jsut to hate then just remember posting here is pointless cause i dont really care haha
I love it man, care to take more pictures?
nice to see my conversion put to good use, very cool man!
yeah it was a bitch to achieve that color of the mask beleive me…
more pics? how about this for now lol…
September 7, 2009, 2:58am
Pretty cool!
What mask is that?
-Big D
September 7, 2009, 7:51am
hey, that’s not bad at all.
nice costume and pics man. that room looks just like annie and lauries bathroom
yeah trav tore the torn in half and i painted it and weathered it whole costume done by me…and its not even close to done…the lining is still very white…
ha yeah it does kind of look liek there room in H2!
September 7, 2009, 8:04pm
Right on, man! I have a suggestion, though. If you could find a way to make the vest not so shiny, it would look 10x better.
September 7, 2009, 8:28pm
totally awesome indeed!!
im working on mine now. gotta go hit some thrift stores and see what i can come up with!!
September 7, 2009, 10:09pm
Great pics, you should get a mirror reflection shot, the girl you used for Annie is pretty cute man
Great shots! I love how sshes still holding onto the cigarette in the second pic, haha
here is the best attempt i got for the mirror scene without you blatently seeing the cam
thanks wayne but it would be tough to make it not shiney