New score in FOR my girl...

Here is the present I got for my girlfriend for Christmas, as she’s been obsessed with Halloween ever since I showed her it!

Please no comments like “Hey cheap bastard get her a H78” LOL, she loves it and that’s all that matters.

Killing Machine from Crypt Co.

well my girlfriend took my scarred and i have a feeling she’ll take my soon to be kissfan too!
at least she likes what i like!
like this copy!
marcus :mrgreen:

nice score bro, i love the nemmy, i just wish it came bigger for my fat head lol, but tell her congrats and great score

Sorry guys, I meant Killing Machine. :blush: I originally bought her a Nemi, but exactly it was too small so she returned it for this. Very satisfied with it now.

You guys are lucky, my wife isnt fond of michael myers so the fact of 500$ masks sittin around The house isnt too good lol…
Nice score BTW…
Take care

You guys are lucky, my wife isnt fond of michael myers so the fact of 500$ masks sittin around The house isnt too good lol…
Nice score BTW…
Take care

Hey you cheap…oh wait LOL j/k…very nice score bro , im lucky to have my gf in love with the hobby just as much as I am

i hope my next Girlfriend loves the things i love haha

great man!!! :laughing:

If you ever need an imaginary “girlfriend” to send gifts like this to…just hit me up :wink: :laughing:

Thats freaken awesome man
I cant even get my girlfriend to wear a Mikey mask lol
cause she so damn scared of him
and here you are buying your gf one :open_mouth:

lol wish my girl liked myers too :cry: but its all good
her ass is moving in with me in a few months lol
so she aint going to have any other choice but to look at my mikey masks everyday :laughing:

sounds like you got yourself a keeper :stuck_out_tongue: tell her said she got a dandy Christmas present!


I never realized how smooth the Killing Machine was - Delicate features on that mask. Looks great!!!

These masks look so much better worn.

:laughing: Oddly enough, I’ve never seen a KM worn with the Castle stretch before. Certainly looks half decent.

Yeah, when she handed it to me, I thought “wait a sec, I’ve never seen this worn PROPERLY…” so I tried in the mirror, and to my surprise… It looks VERY decent for a nice H1 mask. Never expected that out of the KM.

Very nice I think she will like it!

You have a great girlfriend don’t lose her. Everytime I want a mask its like World War III with
my girlfriend. nice score Bud!!!

cool pics man

Cheap butt, should have gotten her a DW/KH!
