New score! KH/DW #23! Pics!

After wanting one for so long I managed to finally get my hands on a KH/DW not in original condition but a kh none the less! Big thanks to Michael (nuyts) :rolleyes:

KH/DW #23 :rock:

BAM!! Beautiful, man. You wear that exceptionally well and it really is a beauty of a copy. What I like most about you scoring this mask is that you’ve been taking costume shots with it, which we rarely see with the KH/DW. After all, it is a mask and meant to be worn. I’ve been enjoying your pics. Congrats, man.

A fine looking mask indeed! Great worn shots as well. :rock:

The KH/DW is my favorite mask ever made. Amazing score! Happy Halloween!

Thanks guys! This is my holy grail!
And I had to take some costume shots of it! It just looks so good I couldn’t help myself. There will be many more to come :slight_smile:

Like I said in FB man, this is the score of a lifetime! Major congrats to you, sir!

Thanks man definitely the best I’ll ever get!
Hoping to get some nice pics taken by my friend who is a photographer :smiley:

Fantastic mask and worns. The KHDW is amazing!

Congratulations on such a marvelous piece!

Who cares if it’s in original condition or not. What mask these days are? The KH/DW is a great piece to own. Congrats!

Thanks! Yeah it didn’t bother me that it wasn’t all original it was really my only shot at owning a KH/DW so I will take it haha it still has the original hair though just dyed brown :slight_smile:

I’m sure you could have the hair dyed back to the original color if you wanted to.

Thats on hell of a mask man!
Great shots! :rock:

I’m okay with the hair color the way it is. I thought about having it converted to look original but the eye cuts have been altered to look h1 so I will keep the hair as is and send it to James to give it a new paint job when my turn comes up :slight_smile:

A JC KH/DW would be an ultimate grail. I would be honored simply to lay eyes upon it’s beauty!

Yeah james has only done one kh/dw and it was awhile ago. I talked to him about doing mine and he assured me it will be something special :slight_smile:

Welcome to the KH/DW club, Robert! Looking forward to seeing what JC has in mind for this guy. :sunglasses:

I agree that KH/DW costume shots are always a treat. I allowed James Mangrum to wear my #4 copy at Mask-Fest in September. I was a nervous wreck, but I must admit that the mask looked utterly incredible worn. Seeing my mask look THAT good was well worth a little anxiety. James didnt even have coveralls on and folks still stopped dead in their tracks for a look. That said, one also can’t fault KH owners for shying away from wearing their masks or letting them be worn, given the age of the KH/DW. Being 12 years old, I think it’s getting to be time to start thinking about what can be done to preserve these masks.

Thanks frankie!
Yeah I was nervous and very cautious with taking it on and off. Won’t wear it alot maybe for a few more photo shoots but that’s all. And I agree frankie I hope they find a good preservation method to keep these masks looking killer for many years to come!

IMO the most accurate H1 mask… It’s all about facial length, and the nose…
