New score - mcs sequel

got a sequel off ebay for cheap, has brown hair and light weathering but very nice mask none the same.

whats your thoughts on the mask?

Thats an awesome copy man…Congrats

I always loved the Sequel.Pulls off a great H1.Congrats.

sweet score and set up you got there :smiley:

Congrats Man. :drinkers:

i think it was a member’s on here, i was watching that one, it was also in the classifieds, lol! love it bro, besides the kh this is my fave h2, beats the warlock in so many ways and you can’t beat those eye cuts, look perfect, congrats bro! :smiley:

Looks good, nice score!!

that’s a great looking mask!

thanks guys, my pics dont do it justice, up close its great n the eye cuts are spot on. Need a good camera to capture the detail in the masks

Congrats man! I always liked that mask but they were to big for my small head :laughing:

Very nice! Looks like a great mask!