New Score! Psycho!!!

Just got this the other day From Justin. I’m completely blown away. I love everything about this copy, and I’m honored to finally have my favorite Michael Myers mask
A Big Thanks to Justin

Congrats! And, I LOVE the hair, especially the back :open_mouth:

congrats! very nice looking Psycho

Nice score :rock:

That’s a GREAT copy you have there and yes,the hair is SICK.Congrats :smiley:

Thanks a lot guys. I love the hair as well, It definitely gives it a nice touch :open_mouth:

Gorgeous score my friend! Love them Psychos from Mr. Mabry :rock:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :rock:

that psycho looks awesome man!! :rock:

Is this a regular Psycho or the Psycho 78 ?

Cool score, you should take some costume shots with that… Dean

is this the christmas special psycho with the mix hair?
cause if it is :open_mouth: :open_mouth: it looks sweet!!!

damnit now i cant wait for mine to arrive :mrgreen:

Thanks again guys :wink: I plan on doing some full costume shots here hopefully within the week. Just have to finish up weathering my coveralls a little bit more. :rock:

Justin’s new secret hairing is awesome! :mrgreen:
Congrats Man! Great score indeed!


again is this a regular Psycho or a Psycho 78

It’s a reg Psycho w/ mohair

thanx bro :slight_smile:

No prob, Sorry I missed your reply the first time :wink: :rock: :smiling_imp:

sick score Darrin

Thanks a lot Josh, Glad to see you on here too :smiley: :rock: