New Scores: H78 blanks!

Great Score!!! Nik is sending me a blank as well, can’t wait to ship it off to JC for a sweet conversion!!!

Josh, you will love JC’s work on the H78. He does amazing work on them.

Congrats Josh :slight_smile:
Be sure to post when finished!

Thanks guys! I will most certainly do that! I’m gathering funds as we speak, and shipping off the blank to JC this week. I am very excited to see the outcome, I know he will do great work.

The other one is still up the air, depending on money… etc.

Yeah I think really that there shouldnt be a person who can say a bad thing about Nik . He did sell me a flawed H78 Blank thats in that evil green torture chamber of the maniac James Carter as we speak . But also what alot of people dont realise is there is somewhat of a language barrier with Nik . We had a confusion when I got my flawed one from him I asked if he had any Flawed classic 78 blanks and he said he had one and I paid him for it but when it arrived it was a H78 blank . I asked him about it he said he misunderstood which is fine because im still perfectly happy with a Flawed H78 blank since one of those done up right can rock the hero look IMO . But he still made up for it by saying if I do ever get another flawed blank from him he will give me a discount . Also I asked him before about blanks and he told me he wasnt selling anymore but I asked again and he was . So it maybe just a language barrier and a mis understanding . With his flawed as well im pretty sure its first come first serve and its pretty random on when he has them as well .

Yeah, Nik’s a good dude and he has helped me more that you guys know! When he has blanks, he is more than happy to sell them. He just doesn’t have the flawed ones that often.


Hey man nice scores on the blanks…Nik is a great guy answers every pm I throw at him. I also have a blank in JC’s possession and can’t wait till it’s done.


great masks