Just got these in from Nik, very happy with them both. The pristine copy will be sent to JC as soon as I can swing it, but the other I am not sure yet… I am still trying to figure that one out. I might just convert it myself.
Thats awesome! Ive been thinking about picking up a blank or two.
they look awesome. i wanna get me a blank and convert it!!
- greg31
are both of them flawed at all?
Heck yeah man, send it on and we shall see what happens
OMG you have the necronomicon!
Cool Scores!
Cool scores!!
Must be nice I have been asking for a while now for blanks, I guess first come first served. I think he only sells flawed. I asked for a new thin pour.
Thanks guys, I am really REALLY looking forward to getting that super clean blank off to JC. I know you will do sick things with it man… it’s an insane blank, very thin and just gorgeous.
Nik was great to deal with, we did a solid trade and he was cool the entire time. I feel honored to have gotten a clean one and a flawed, he was awesome to give me the chance for one.
Yeah…I know the feeling !!!
Well, you have to look at it from the maker’s perspective. Selling blanks is fine, but it detracts from the other ‘finished’ masks that a mask maker may be selling. I mean, if you’re the mask maker (making a living from this business), who has worked hard to develop a very popular sculpt, what would you prefer? Selling a blank for considerably less (and thus having a converter make more money than you when they convert it), or selling a higher priced finished mask which provides you with a greater profit (thus giving you appropriate recompense for sculpt development costs, time, etc.)?
Nik’s reputation here is top notch, but I can understand the position he might be in (and I say “might” - as I don’t know what his opinion on all this might be).
And this is coming from someone who is currently after a blank, too.
Josh you buy the last spot with Colin. If he didnt sell it yet. Im telling you, It wont be disappointing. Have the best of both worlds. What about AHG? Is he on your radar as well. To bad you only have one blank left to spare. All three are great
I agree with everything you just said. But if he’s willing to sell one guy a blank why not sell the other guy a blank? I don’t understand why he only sells certain people blanks and tells the rest of us he’s not selling them at all.
Do em up!
I don’t know what Nik has told others, but he’s been straight up with me about the availability of blanks, bubble imperfections, etc. I’ve never purchased a thing from him, but he’s been happy to reply to my emails and explain the situation. That’s pretty damn good customer relations, and when you’re buying blind it is VERY reassurring.
I can’t agree with you about Nik’s finishing - from what I’ve seen it’s pretty damn impressive. DAMN impressive. I just think the ‘conversion’ bug has hit the Forums, and people like the idea of paying someone to do everything exactly as they want it to be (and bugging the hell out of them until they do it). I can’t imagine how it must be for folks like JC and AHG - they must get driven up the wall by the constant demands made upon them when they convert a mask (from the rumours one hears). It’s such a subjective thing - what ‘the’ Myers mask is, how close to ‘Hero’ status it is, and what is required for it to be so. For a converter, I’m sure it’s frustrating to channel a customer’s expectations and assumptions into realising their ‘perfect’ mask. Must be a nightmare.
Very nice scores and I can’t wait to see them finished.
Lets not all start in on NIK he is a great guy to deal with , instantly answers emails, hes a real blessing to have in the community, in light of all the other rip off artist we have had around here.