New scores!! SU2 and warlock

well i had a scarred…but my GF took it and said it was ‘‘hers’’ so ill post pics later in the RZ section any ways

screenused 2


ill post better pics later
id like to thank justin and eddie for such great masks!! and Shawn but i dont think i own it anymore hahahah… :laughing: :angry:
marcus :mrgreen:

Couple of real goodies right there.Did Nik do the weathering on the SU2?Any chance that was the copy JustinBF did the finishing on?It’s really sweet.

justin did it!
i really like it its so nice! thanks for the compliment man!
marcus :mrgreen:

congrats on the sweet scores. This is actually my 1st time seeing anyone with a SU2…looks sweet. I love the warlock too. Later


Awesome. Justin’s SU2 is still tops. That thing is Awesome!
The WARLOCK is very nice too! Great scores, congrats!

thanks for the kind words guys!!


What happend top the scarred??? LOL and thats my old warlock

Killer H2 masks bro.Congrats

I miss him already! take good care of him. keep him out of sunlight and don’t feed him after midnight . . .wait, wrong movie! glad you are happy with it. tell him I still love him .


he tried to run away yesterday :cry:
i feel like where gettin no where…im trying to push my love on him with out forcing it on…
:cry: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Congrats on the 2 badass scores and great pics btw!

sweetttt masks man!!! :rock: :drinkers:

Love that Warlock. I think thats my next Mask after I get my Seventy-Eight from Chris.

Is that Warlock an early run? Both masks look sick! Sweet scores friend! :wink:

the warlock is an 07…it was repainted by heretic productions

Cool Warlock. Looks like it fits great.

thanks for the comments guys!!

it fits so good!! im now an H2 guy :smiley:
marcus :mrgreen:

Congrats!!! H2 is a great look!!!

Must be H2 week for you Marcus :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Badass score for sure :rock:
Congrats brotha!!