Thoughts? It looks real good to me.
Better than the WMP Nightstalker, in my opinion, based off the pics provided.
How do you rate this mask?
All comments welcome.
Thoughts? It looks real good to me.
Better than the WMP Nightstalker, in my opinion, based off the pics provided.
How do you rate this mask?
All comments welcome.
Its a huge step up from the Nightstalker simply because i know Chris wanted to step away from the Nightmare. The JTK is pretty much a ground up sculpt. yes they used the UL75 master as a base but EVERYTHING was re-sculpted. i really love the finishing he gave the protos too. overall a great mask for a great price
As a Myers, I think it’s a great mask. The worn shots remind me a lot of the 75K. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the Kirk version though.
For those of you who aren’t members of the WMP forums, here’s the JTK (James T Kirk). I hope Chris doesn’t mind me reposting these.
And as a Kirk:
I think it makes a Killer H1 and H2.
I do not like it as a kirk mask.Just doesnt look right.It does however transform into one wicked myers mask.The myers mask posted looks outstanding.The finishing chris put on it is top notch.Its weird how some sculpts look better as kirks and some look better as myers.Congrats on a fine score.
I think the JTK is great mask…One of…if not the best to come out of WMP for sure along with the NS. Chris did a great job with the myers transformation. The kirk hair is what puts it over the top for personally. That’s my rating & 2 cents
Not feeling the Kirk either but fares much better as a Myers, kind of has the “cover mask” look going on.
i love the myers version
I,m the second slot holder for JTK since I held off on my NS from October to wait for this. I thought hard about it and sent my final note for it to be H1 style. This mask has one of the best side profiles you will ever see IMO The horse look as I call it and I don,t buy finished masks accept for the JA Kirk Nik,s working on for me so this will B a treat.Plus I want to see that Kirk hair.
This is my fav H1 now.
Yeah it,s killer! So most all of u supports my decision to go H1 with it??
Thanks for the input guys. I just love it.
Who knows maybe it may take a little time for Chris to nail the kirk finishing. after all he doesn’t do much kirk and it could be the finishing that throws it off a little?
I love how this turned out and have two on order. It is excellent for both the level of detail and the overall shape and “essence” of Myers.
I’m looking forward to seeing more Kirk masks because the final sculpt and the master pull impressed me as much as anything I’ve seen.
Master pull:
We’ve only seen a few photos of this first Kirk in latex and from some angles it doesn’t look as good as the sculpt/master pull.
It looks to me like maybe the way it is stuffed is making it look like the eyes are a little closer together. See how it appears to narrow aroudn the temples in the photo posted in an earlier thread.
In my opinion one thing it gets 100% correct as a Kirk is that certain unquantifiable quality of the facial expression; that umistakable yet undefinable feel of Shatner’s bemused stare into the distance.
I expect this to turn into an excellent option for a Kirk too.
What a great new piece coming from WMP,
Chris did an outstanding job on this sucker.
I agree with u Marcus and Rich and all that dig it, it,s got the versatility to B a kirk and it damn sure makes a Killer H1 H2 but if not in the end it,s still a break through sculpt since there,s not many masks that make the transition between the 2 characters and that tells u how hard it really is to bang out a perfect Shat sculpt. I remain excited for my H1
The myers version looks great and his finishing is fantastic!
Ya, ive got one on order…gonna be a great H1
its a kickass myers h1 for sure! i should have one on the way very soon since i changed my order from a L75 to this