Interesting indeed. I never wanted a sequel, but if they are indeed making one, I just hope they don’t rush it out for this year because we all know what happened when Halloween 4 released to great success in 1988, only for them to rush out Halloween 5 the very next year to build off that success…to great failure, I might add.
Interesting, I wonder what the treatment could be that they went with him? I guess we will find out in time. Must of been better than what McBride had cooked up for his vision of the sequel, as he has said he had one laid out in case they did more.
At any rate, it won’t have those little moments of trashy McBride humor, which can only be a good thing. One peanut butter penis joke was one too many for me. I looked passed it, but it will be nice to not have that crap thrown in for the sake of no reason at all.
I couldn’t agree more!!
Hope it will be good
I just hope it’s not rushed and its really dark. Imo we need a really dark Halloween, h40 had some dark scenes but there was comic relief in between those scenes so at least for me they were a bit less impactful to the movie overall.
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Hopefully it will be better written than H40 was. H40’s writing was God awful.
And DGG said they went through roughly 90 drafts. 90 drafts and that’s the best they came up with? I’m glad they are bringing a new writer in. Let’s see something scary and fresh. And actually suspenseful that at least resembles 1978. They promised that for 2018 and I feel that they totally missed the mark.
That peanut butter and penis thing in the movie made me think of this from Reno 911
Very rarely will a sequel best the original {1935’s Bride of Frankenstein over the 1931 Original} as example. Also a different time…40-41 years later. There was so many sequels and I think if H40 did’nt make it none after are going to. What possibly could you come up with at this point without making MM back into a caricature as in the latter sequels?
Totally agree.
L… O… L!!!
I know it’s asking alot - but it would be great if this sequel could be written in a way that either H2 or H18 could be interpreted as the middle sequel.
H18 was just so bad :\ I think it’s the music.
I agree, but even though most don’t like RZs Halloweens, I don’t think any directors will go as dark and gritty as he did