I just purchased NO the creep, and was wondering what hair does Justin use right now to make his creeps. I heard he is not using camel hair anymore according to the other forums I’ve read.
Also, I’ve emailed him about using mohair to do my creep. Do you guys know how long it takes from him to respond usually? I’ve heard he is a slow responder when it comes to communication with him. Nothing against his business or anything, just wondering because I’m super excited to finally get one of my favorite Michael Myers mask!
Yeah he is super busy. And realistically you shouldn’t expect to recieve anything from him for 6 plus months as far as masks go. Mine took 11 months. It was a mistake and he gave me an extra. He is a great guy but it takes a long time ordering through him
The quickest way to get to Justin is through his instagram MabryMonsters hes on there posting semi regularily. And he answers questions people post on his pics