It appears the Butcher has been removed from the gallery. I know it is still available on Justin’s website but I have spoken to him and it is not actually being created anymore. What would you place the value of this mask at? I really want this copy but the price seems very high
Even a ballpark range is appreciated! I know I got mine for $250 when they first came out but that was over 8 years ago I believe. Just wondering if the price of these has gone up substantially or if he is trying to take me for some extra money
Butcher is still in the gallery, under busts and other masks. Sucks if it indeed isn’t being made anymore.
Justin said he may be doing a run in the near future! My buddy sold his on eBay for $200 to a forum member here a few weeks back, I offered him $225 so I’m hoping he’s reasonable and helps me out. Was going to buy it directly from my friend for $200 but he needed the funds that day and I unfortunately didn’t have them on hand. Hoping for the best! Sold my original run for $225 years ago and am hoping he helps me out before Halloween. Considering he now has 2 I hope it isn’t a problem
$225 or so seems like a fare price.
Thanks man, I figured now that he has 2 copies and got the 2nd from a personal friend of mine he wouldnt mind selling it. Offered him $25 more than he paid just hoping he’s reasonable so I can receive it for Halloween !