Nik/Hallows H78 #2 pics

Just got this mask in yesterday. I cannot get enough of this thing! I just took some pictures of it and these were the only ones worthy of posting. My camera is horrible :angry: . I’m going to try to shoot a few more and post em up in a little while, maybe some outdoor shots or something when the sun starts to go down. I appologize for the poor quality pics. :blush:
Thanks for looking! :slight_smile:

Here’s a shot of it next to my #5

Wow, man. Great masks. Congrats on the new score! LOVE the hair on those bad boys!

wow :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: serious congrats, man!

Wow insane man! where did u get the mask :astonished:?

That is an incredible mask!!! Congrats on the score!!!

Nice score!! Now see if you can talk Jason out of his #1 conversion, lol.


cool score!!! Mike sure knows how to paint them up… Dean

those are both really good masks
congrats mate


Very cool :open_mouth: They look excellent side by side like that. Congrats man!
Jay Muz

Awesome Frankie!! Congrats!!

Thank you everyone for taking the time to comment on my crappy pics. :laughing:
Seriously though, the pics simply do not do this mask justice. It has such a vintage feel to it, it’s unreal… These early run AHG conversions certainly are in a league of their own.
Thanks again guys! :slight_smile:


Lucky bastard! :laughing:

guess who has number 4! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: great shots DC

Nice score man! Those early H78s had SO MUCH more detail!!

Excellent man!

Sweet score Clutch! :smiley:

Congrats man! to have that in your collection is a treasure!

Nice 1- 2 punch Frankie :rock:

Very nice… Now sell me one!!!