NMM78 recast

Is this a recast or what??

Looks like a Psycho.
the mask looks odd due to the use of flash.
The guy should post pics of the sig if your interested.

I owned a psycho. That aint no psycho. It looks like a crappy recast. That’s my opinion, but I would hate to see someone buy that thing and get ripped off.

I own both and it doesn’t look like a NMM78. It just looks more like a Psycho to me that’s all.

Hey Guy’s

That in fact is a real NN78 Returns. I know the guy and can vouch for him. Ill tell him to get some better pics up!

The flash wipes out the details :mrgreen:

Your right!

But I can see why you guys might have thought it was a recast… The pics don’t do it justice!

It’s just my opinion, not trying to step on any toes.

Actually I thought it looked pretty good/legit :laughing:
Just the flash.lol
Sorry for the trouble.

if it was a recast then why would he say its a Nightowl mask???
and has a sig on the inside???

ok you guys im a noob how does a recast work?

No one said it was a recast.
The guy just asked a question that’s all.
There are Maniac recasts on ebay claiming to be the real deal…

Because nightowl pieces bring big money and the signature could have been forged.But It looks legit to me.