AMEN BROTHER ! :drinkers:
I also hate those guys who ask “are you looking to sell this mask ?”, You answer them " YES ", you give your price, and then no answer ! :imp: Some people (mostly kids) think that they can buy a mask which cost 500$ for 100$, someone offered me 5$ for one of my masks (My old 88 foreshadow) NO JOKE ! WTF !!! :imp: :imp:

yea its getting pretty rediculas, but hey, i may be only 14, but if i offer u cash for something, i dont lowball, and i have the money, ive had so mant noobs pm me wanting to buy something, i hold it for sometime 1-3 weeks, and then they tell me, i dont want it, or i cant buy it, noobs annoy me as much as the rest of us, especially the noobs on the chat :imp: -Z

Im not agreeing with anyones point on here. But I know there are alot of people on here that have been members for a few years that dont post often either. Myself included. There are maybe 2 or three months out of the year in which i have time to keep up with the board and post. My job is very demanding and i have a wife and many other things to take care of when i get home before i can even think about coming to this board. even though i may not post alot, i keep up with whats going on and read all the posts. So there will have to be a true distinction between noobs and lurkers and such as well.

Ok , I find your remark offensive , im referring to the (mostly kids) qoute. Im tired of everything being pushed towards kids/minors when half of it is NOT kids its adults whoi ACT like kids. So from now on instead of just pushing things towards the kids on this board , look into it a little further pleese. There are alot of respected kids on this site who get offended by this stuff

No doubt about that man, I know there is a lot of kids who are respected on this board, but I have to say that I only had problems with kids. But yes, I know there is a lot of respected kids !

I apologise for flipping out but , some individuals will blame the whole group instead of the individual that did it…it just gets irratating sometimes…ya know?

i just wanna say if i do sell something on this site, u can bet ur bottom dollar its gonna be good quality and no hunk of junk out of my basement. always smoke free too… :smiley: lol just thought i would let ya know :smiley:

No problem bro, I understand !

Well, I am a perfect example I guess. I think earning your way in a community is perfectly acceptable!
I’ve been coming here for a year. Signed up a couple weeks ago finally. Been an avid reader and follower.
Learning the abreviations. Made an “educated” purchase and it was a pleasure. Do I expect because of my tenure on other
forums and in certain art communities to earn me a free pass on this or any other forum? Not in the least.
I’m a lurker for the most part, but I do like to take part from time to time if I can add something to the conversation.
In the end, it’s all about respect and principles. You guys are right!
Some new people think a post count gets them something special. It’s just not the case and they can’t wrap their head around it!
It doesn’t make those with low post counts all the same though either. I’ve been into real Movie Props and Rreplica work for a long time
so I’m not a “Noob” in the strict definition of the word. I am here though and thus far I’ve been treated very well and have not met anyone not
willing to point me in the right direction yet. Hope not to and if I do, I take into consideration that forums don’t exactly properly represent people
in the real sense and move on. Etiquette is everything with a new person in a community as big a this and one should be an open book anyway.
It’s the honest thing to do. Just my .02!


No, you are a noob as very few people know you and you joined 10/9…It does not matter if you know you or if you know how long you have been on as you will never sell yourself anything… You should not have changed your screen name then & that way people might have remembered you …For all anybody knows you screwed your name & rep up last time so you changed it to this one…Im not saying this is what happened but now that you just mentioned you had a different account people are able to be cautious with you as generally speaking shady reason’s are why people change up & make a new account…To try to get a fresh start…Again “Generally speaking” New name …New account…New Member New bee.

This is really just a lose-lose situation because there’s no good way to filter out the “bad”. As annoyed as I get with a lot of younger members here there are just as many as I highly respect. Russ is a great example that, he’s one of my closest friends here and he’s only 15/16. His friend Thomas as well, neither ever start any trouble.


lets all just get along!!! come on guys… :smiley:

i think the feedback forum is our best source for the moment…excellent communication among sellers and buyers is also very important.


BINGO!!! :prayer:

I understand the frustration and Dren is correct. We can’t just filter out everyone, but we can get an idea, and that is why Derek came out with an option to approve new members posts, thru the moderation team. I think this is a great tool and it has helped believe it or not. I have banned many re-registers trying to “by-pass” the system. Some of these that would have “leaked” thru before. Anyhow, just stay away from members who are looking for certain “post” attention and like Steve said, report the ones, that are doing that on purpose. Unfortunately, these members give other good new members, a bad name.
As for the new members here, don’t let a thread like this, keep you from posting! We welcome all new members! You guys are a big asset to this board, and another reason why this board has grown over the years! Remember, we were ALL new here at one point! :smiley:
Thanks for understanding. This topic will remain open but please don’t point out “certain” members publically in this thread.
If you have a specific problem again, pm a mod. and we will look into it.
Take Care!

I agree that posting 50 comments just to be able to sell something in the classifieds is lame, but I don’t think it matters in terms of people trusting you. I have looked through the classifieds and if I see something interesting I will look at how long the person has been a member and also check their posts and try and get a sense on their reputation among other members here. In other words, I wouldn’t buy from someone who joined 4 days ago and posted a bunch of meaningless comments then all of a sudden are trying to sell in the classifieds.

Talk to a mod if you have a question about a member, they will usually know if someone selling in the classifieds has a good track record or not. Also people who buy in the classifieds and the deal was good, you should mention them in your sig, so when they go to sell again you can see others were satisfied dealing with a particular individual. I appreciate the mods here, because I am a mod on another forum and it’s 18+ only. I think these guys have a tougher job just because you do at times have to deal with kids. Nothing against kids, it’s just sometimes it can be tough :stuck_out_tongue:


I can’t stand when this happens, and unfortunately it happens pretty frequently. I love going to the new posts page and seeing 50 one-line comments by the same person. In addition to the 50 post count, I think there also should be a time limit. I know it still wouldn’t weed out all of the idiots, but it would help. Since everyone is voicing their complaints, I might as well mention one more. People really need to USE THE SEARCH FEATURE. It seems like there are about ten posts per day from people asking how to paint a mask. The search feature on this site works very well, and not using it is pure laziness.

It’s obvious that by looking at the title of this post, I knew it was about me.

Honestly, everyone hit the nail on the head. I did boost my post count. However, it doesn’t mean that I don’t read these boards. In fact, I thought I posted here more than I have. I have been on this board for over 6 years. I am more of a lurker than a poster.

I am on OHMB…do I post there a lot? No. I really don’t have the time.
I am on Rue Morgue’s Message board. Do I post there a lot? No, but I am a very active member on their offline activities.

Also, let it be known that I’m not a deadbeat that just spammed your boards. I actually did read all the posts that I commented on. If I really wanted to spam the boards, I could have run a macro.

I’m a huge Halloween '78 fan. I have collected Myers masks in the past and that is why I wanted to post the mask for sale. You are the prime audience for my sale. Sorry if that screwed anyone’s life up, but if it is that bad then maybe you need to branch out more.

Also, not to sound like an ass, but I am a busy guy. I don’t post a lot on OHMB because there are waaaaay too many posts. I can’t keep up with that board. I could go on and on, but I know most of you already have me on your “naughty” list. I would really hate everyone to label me as a N00B, but I can live on with that title. Why? Because I’m not.

To the “One-Liner” remark, look at the boards. Most of the replies are one liners. Don’t treat it like I’m tainting the boards. If you want me to contribute more and blend in more, I can write one-liners like the majority of posters on here.

Also, if we want to talk more about integrity and tenure, let us take it off the boards because that doesn’t contribute to anything. I don’t have up all the time. Yet, I’m back at the boards less than 24 hours later, still replying and I already hit my post count that I needed.

email me @ triefy at
You can also check out my podcast, which contributes to the horror genre and has been since 2007. I won’t provide the link in this post for the concern of SPAMMING.

In the end, I am like most of you…a collector, a fan. However, unlike most of you - it seems - I am willing to not dog on someone who is new here or maybe hasn’t posted in awhile or ever since joining. To me, that is a negative outlook on any community. I need to sell a mask and I figured this would be the best place to do it. Sorry if I was wrong.
