Okay, I give up!

The H3 masks have been growing on me lately, and I think I may go crazy if I don’t get a set. :smiling_imp: Is Silver Shampain Novelties the only one making them? :question: :question:


they are the best you can get other than originals.
I have 2 original witches for sale and a red original vinyl skull

Yeah like Jon said the SSN are the best, but if you don’t have much cash you can get a set from Sinister Studios for around $300 and they look halfway decent.

I second that, they are the best.

Then I have a lot of saving up to do :laughing: Anyone wanna buy one of my kidneys? Maybe a finger of two? :axe:

wow, dude, you have like the best h3 collection ever!!! your stuff amazes me! :smiley:

I would love to see a clear shot of the SSN TLW ones.
Not the stock photos on their site.

For the money you can’t go wrong with the Sinister Studios set. They look amazing and the entire set can be obtained for 300. A TLW set will cost you well over 600. Cris has a set for sale on ebay right now. http://cgi.ebay.com/Halloween-3-Myers-Latex-Mask-Season-Witch-Horror-/160426405678?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item255a28af2e

you get what you pay for :sunglasses:
Those sinister studios masks are recasted from recasts.

I second that, they are the best.[/quote]
I would love to see a clear shot of the SSN TLW ones.
Not the stock photos on their site.[/quote]

I would love to see a clear shot of the SSN TLW ones.
Not the stock photos on their site.[/quote]

Thanks Jon :sunglasses:

I think every Halloween fan needs to own a Shamrock Set!!

i want a set!!!