On Set with John Carpenter: Kim Gottlieb-Walker

I love this book. Can anyone tell me what BTS pics they left of the book and why?

I don’t know the reason why, but they don’t have these

Isnt it mad how the castle stretch is known as long and thin but look at the size of Nicks hair ffs lol

Nick’s hair stuck out of the mask a lot, even in the film
022-halloween-theredlist copy.jpg
MV5BMTQ5NTE4MTYxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzEyMDQ5NjE@.V1 copy.jpg

I still dont think thats that bad compared to the afro he had lol

Fantastic pics, thank you.

The book’s main focus is on the films of JC, not all Halloween and especially not Myers :slight_smile:

I had never thought of that way before, makes sense :slight_smile:

I hope this new book has a lot of myers. I can’t wait until she unloads the trove they found :slight_smile:. Kim is such a sweet woman. I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with her a few different times and she was kind enough to sign my insert.

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There’s a new book coming out?

She’s working on a different one right now, but possibly in the future.

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Party pooper.

My good friend is working on a new book with Kim focused stricly on Halloween.
It will blow you away :mrgreen: :goodman:

Woop woop! That’ll be sick!

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Excellent! Looking forward to it!!!