Opinions on the H8 mask?

There’s no doubt that the movie was bad, but a lot of people seem to quite like the mask in Resurrection. Personally I hate it, I think it’s far too defined and detailed (looks kinda like Michael had a face lift), but I was curious; what are your opinions on it?

I have an original CS mask. It’s not deluxe or anything, but I think it and the movie mask are a decent variation of the Shape. There are a few other above it, and below it on my list.

Its not great but nowhere near as bad as 4 & 5

I dont hate it, but I dont love it either. Its aight

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I like it. I have a ToTS version of it I’m planning to get rehauled.

Oh yeah five is definitely trash. I don’t really mind 4 though, it’s probably one of the better attempts imo.

Don’t like it. 2nd worst behind H20

I think it’s better than the mask in H20, but it’s still not great in my opinion. I always got this weird “ape like” vibe from it. Something about the mouth. And the fact that you can see his eyes, along with the black eye makeup…come on, really?

Yeah I get the same impression. It’s from the vertical distance between the nose and mouth I think.

IMO, the only mask that deviates from the original H1/H2 design thats sufficiently creepy, is the H6 Mask. Not that all the subsequent films masks are necessarily bad, but unfortunately they don’t much for me in the way of being eerie or unsettling.

The Resurrection mask is lighting dependent. It either looks very good or a bit too over stylized and not subdued enough which takes away from the creepiness as it feels more manufactured (not in the store bought sense). I feel the H:40 is a bit too over stylized in that sense as well. The H:20 KNB mask is far and away the worst one in the series.

It’s my least favourite in the franchise. It looks decent in certain lighting, but overall, it’s awful. It looks the ugliest during the burning garage scene. It almost looks like it was a different mask to the one used in the rest of the movie. Also, during the Laurie chase scene, the mask has an afro.

Personally, I prefer the H4 mask over it. The H4 mask grown on me a lot recently. I may even rate the H5 mask over the Resurrection mask.

I can honestly say there isn’t a single mask I don’t like from the series. I think the reason most people don’t like any particular mask from the series is because they compare it to their favorite. Take that out, look at them individually and I think they all have cool things about them! That being said, I don’t mind the H8 at all but just as Darkness said, the H8 is lighting dependent.

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Its actually my favorite of the later sequels…besides H40.

It’s my favorite mask after the 1978 &1981 Halloween masks. it’s my 3rd favorite mask and its tied with H40 in the movie series for 3rd.

I think it’s great. Menacing and aggressive looking.

Same here :jack_o_lantern::+1:

I really only like the original mask and H2018 is cool

It looks like sh*t.